Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Don't Say "Yes" When You mean "No"

Don't Say "Yes" When You mean "No"


Learn to say "no"…and also to accept a "no"

Managing things is simple when you learn to say no, and also develop the habit of accepting "no" even when others say it.

Each one of us has a capacity to do a small number of jobs and this has to be kept in mind.Similarly, the people with whom we deal – superiors and subordinates – have limited capacities.

keep this fact in mind

If we are to reduce our pressures, we must keep this fact in mind while accepting assignments or giving assignments to others. Let us not forget that we get stressful when we are not able to do the assigned jobs or when others to whom we have assigned jobs are not able to do what they had agreed to. Think before you give commitments. It just requires common sense.


Frankness hurts in the beginning but in the later stages it helps you in building your reputation. It reduces your stress and also the stress of others.Follow this policy for 180 days. If necessary, carry out mid-course corrections.

For example, when your boss gives some instruction, you are tempted to say "yes" because you do not want to annoy or disappoint him. Similarly, in other circumstances, you do not want to hurt the feelings of others because you think you are a nice guy.

"No" is the least used word and is the root cause of a majority of problems everywhere in the world.
When you decide to get drunk, you have decided to become stressful the next day. Remember, one NO at the right time would have given you happiness for yourself and your loved ones. When you skip 300 NOS, you become alcoholic and stressful for years.

Very often, a clear and distinct "no" can save a hundred heartaches!Each one of us must learn to say no – tactfully.

Bojourn........ !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! agarbandhu

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